still leaves us with a big question: Do I do anything to change myself?
got a big surprise for you, lots of good news! You don’t have to do anything.
The more you do, the worse it gets. All you have to do is understand.
of somebody you are living with or working with whom you do not like, who
causes negative feelings to arise in you. Let’s help you to understand what’s
going on. The first thing you need to understand is that the negative feeling
is inside you. You are responsible for the negative feeling, not the other
person. Someone else in your place would be perfectly calm and at ease in the
presence of this person; they wouldn’t be affected. You are. Now,
understand another thing, that you’re making a demand. You have an expectation
of this person. Can you get in touch with that? Then say to this person, “I
have no right to make any demands on you.” In saying that, you will drop your
expectation. “I have no right to make any demands on you. Oh, I’ll protect myself
from the consequences of your actions or your moods or whatever, but you can go
right ahead and be what you choose to be. I have no right to make any demands
on you.”
what happens to you when you do this. If there’s a resistance to saying it, my,
how much you’re going to discover about your “me.” Let the dictator in you come
out, let the tyrant come out. You thought you were such a little lamb, didn’t
you? But I’m a tyrant and you’re a tyrant. A little variation on “I’m an ass,
you’re an ass.” I’m a dictator, you’re a dictator. I want to run your life for
you; I want to tell you exactly how you’re expected to be and how you’re
expected to behave, and you’d better behave as I have decided or I shall punish
myself by having negative feelings. Remember what I told you, everybody’s a
woman told me her son had gotten an award at his high school. It was for
excellence in sports and academics. She was happy for him, but was almost
tempted to say to him, “Don’t glory in that award, because it’s setting you up
for the time when you can’t perform as well.” She was in a dilemma: how to
prevent his future disillusionment without bursting his bubble now.
he’ll learn as she herself grows in wisdom. It’s not a matter of anything she
says to him. It’s something that eventually she will become. Then she will
understand. Then she will know what to say and when to say it. That award was a
result of competition, which can be cruel if it is built on hatred of oneself
and of others. People get a good feeling on the basis of somebody getting a bad
feeling; you win over somebody else. Isn’t that terrible? Taken for
granted in a lunatic asylum!
an American doctor who wrote about the effect of competition on his life. He
went to medical school in Switzerland and there was a fairly large contingent
of Americans at that school. He said some of the students went into shock when
they realized that there were no grades, there were no awards, there was no
dean’s list, no first or second in the class at the school. You either passed
or you didn’t. He said, “Some of us just couldn’t take it. We became almost
paranoid. We thought there must be some kind of trick here.” So some of them
went to another school. Those who survived suddenly discovered a strange thing
they had never noticed at American universities: students, brilliant ones,
helping others to pass, sharing notes. His son goes to medical school in the
United States and he tells him that, in the lab, people often tamper with the
microscope so that it’ll take the next student three or four minutes to
readjust it. Competition. They have to succeed, they have to be perfect. And he
tells a lovely little story which he says is factual, but it could also serve
as a beautiful parable. There was a little town in America where people
gathered in the evening to make music. They had a saxophonist, a drummer, and a
violinist, mostly old people. They got together for the company and for the
sheer joy of making music, though they didn’t do it very well. So they were enjoying
themselves, having a great time, until one day they decided to get a new
conductor who had a lot of ambition and drive. The new conductor told them,
“Hey, folks, we have to have a concert; we have to prepare a concert for the
town.” Then he gradually got rid of some people who didn’t play too well, hired
a few professional musicians, got an orchestra into shape, and they all got
their names in the newspapers. Wasn’t that wonderful? So they decided to move
to the big city and play there. But some of the old people had tears in their
eyes, they said, “It was so wonderful in the old days when we did things badly
and enjoyed them.” So cruelty came into their lives, but nobody recognized it
as cruelty. See how lunatic people have become!
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