and fear, ignorance caused by fear, that’s where all the evil comes from,
that’s where your violence comes from. The person who is truly nonviolent, who
is incapable of violence, is the person who is fearless.
It’s only when you’re
afraid that you become angry. Think of the last time you were angry. Go ahead.
Think of the last time you were angry and search for the fear behind it. What
were you afraid of losing? What were you afraid would be taken from you? That’s
where the anger comes from. Think of an angry person, maybe someone you’re
afraid of. Can you see how frightened he or she is? He’s really frightened, he
really is. She’s really frightened or she wouldn’t be angry. Ultimately, there
are only two things, love and fear.
this retreat I’d rather leave it like this, unstructured and moving from one
thing to another and returning to themes again and again, because that’s the
way to really grasp what I’m saying. If it doesn’t hit you the first time, it
might the second time, and what doesn’t hit one person might hit another. I’ve
got different themes, but they are all about the same thing. Call it awareness,
call it love, call it spirituality or freedom or awakening or whatever. It
really is the same thing.
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